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Mei, geluid van vogels....... {id="2299" title="Mei, geluid van vogels....."}

Mei, geluid van vogels bij een duindal op de kop van Schouwen een uur voor zonsopgang en een uur na zonsondergang op 7 mei 2013
(May, sounds of birds near a dune valley at the head of the island Schouwen one hour before sunrise and after sunset on the 7th of May 2013)
Book number 143 of the Slibreeks, a series by the Arts Council of the Province of Zeeland, The Netherlands
Price 7.50 €, order at: http://www.cbkzeeland.nl
read more: Mei, geluid van vogels.....

07.11 - 23.11 Beijerkoppen V2-Lab show Opening 7 nov. 5 pm
Beijerkoppen, an interactive art work in public space by Paul Cox and myself, will be presented in an exhibition of projects which are recently produced and executed by V2-lab.
Hard- and software for Beijerkoppen was developed by V2 in collaboration with Carlo Prelz who designed the search machine for stations and studio images of news broadcasts.
V2 Institute of the unstable media Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012 XL Rotterdam wednesday - saturday 1 - 6 pm.
Nicky Assman Toine Horvers Paul Cox Cecilia Jonsson Marnix de Nijs Studio Roosegaarde Open_Sailing Jon Stam Simon de Bakker Carolien Teunisse Bram Snijders
info: Beijerkoppen

08.11 7 pm Onomatopee Eindhoven, presentation of my book:
Chartres, one hour of sound in a Gothic cathedral printed book with on each page a description of one minute of sound.
read more: Chartres, one hour of sound in a Gothic Cathedral
There will be an introduction by Samuel Vriezen and a performance of my short voice piece 'Scheepshoornstoot' from Four vocal sculptures from 2004.
This evening is also the opening of Paul Devens' exhibition Waving Platforms, together with a book presentation.
Onomatopee Bleekstraat 23 5611 VB Eindhoven www.onomatopee.net

Veemtheater Amsterdam
'It was big enough to get me completely inside' a soundpiece by Rosie Heinrich, performed by Emily Gallier and myself as part of the event Composing Through Words in The Veemtheater Amsterdam.
Het Veemtheater,Van Diemenstraat 408-410
1013 CR Amsterdam
Theater: 3rd floor
Office: 2nd floor / room 2.22
T 020 6260112
E info@hetveemtheater.nl
info: http://hetveemtheater.nl/en/agenda/special/composing-through-words/2013/11/23/

Words Live 4 reading, an event by Suburban foundation Rotterdam
29.11 8 pm Perdu foundation Amsterdam
30.11 8 pm and 01.12 4 pm Wallgallery Rotterdam
A next edition of live events about text and voice, this time concentrating on reading texts in front of each other in the intimate setting of a large table where performers and audience will be seated randomly.
Curated by Kathrin Wolkowicz and myself and organized in collaboration with Wallgallery and Perdu Foundation.
Paul Bogaers Cora Schmeiser Rosie Heinrich Myriam van imschoot Hans Stevens Toine Horvers Kathrin Wolkowicz Gerwin Luijendijk Teun de Lange Marcus Bergner Rozalie Hirs Samuel Vriezen Ben Zwaal G.J. de Rook Rachel Carey Florian Cramer Mariëtte Groot
more information: Words live 4
for Amsterdam: http://perdu.nl/agenda/614/words_live_/#reserveren
for Rotterdam: toine@toinehorvers.nl, kathrinwolkowicz@gmx.de