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Crossing in PARK Tilburg 10.03.2019 photo: Harrie Verkerk

image: Crossing in PARK Tilburg 10.03.2019 photo: Harrie Verkerk

15.06.2019  14.00
Crossing in bicycle storage -2 under the new public library in Gent B.
Croxhapox, an artists initiative from Gent, will host my group sound-performance Crossing (Dutch spoken) which is based on the sound dynamics of a passing airplane.
The location is the wide empty concrete space of the bicycle storage under the library. There will be performances at 2 and 4 pm.
If you want to take part in the performance please sent an email to anyuta@croxhapox.org. The first work-meeting will be on Saturday 8 June at 11 am in the bicycle storage.
Public Library, Platteberg 17-23 Gent.

22.06.2019 16.00
For my 2007 compilation 'performance-registrations' as part of the Sub urban Video lounge program, I gave in a vocal description of an impressive performance by British artist Anne Bean, attended by me in in Tilburg 1984.
Anne Bean invited me to repeat this description as a live contribution to her show How Things Used To Be Now in a London Gallery, during a final event with performances and talks. In the show I will also perform a recent variation on my work Rotation 1.
England & Co Gallery, The Sotheran Building 2a Sackvill Street, London W1

23.06.2019  4 pm
The exhibition of works by Frans Verschoor, Diederik Klomberg and Hans Wap at WTC-gallery in Rotterdam contains works inspired by and dedicated to Rotterdam.
On Sunday 23.06 a poetry-event will take place with Rotterdam poets like Rien Vroegindewei, Jana Beranova, Jeroen Naaktgeboren a.o.
Asked for a contribution I will perform my Tor Line Panorama from 2007, seen and described at the beginning of sunset from the Tor Line yard in the port of Rotterdam.

The book liggen / lying
Every now and then, I briefly describe the bodily positions Jo and I are lying in as we awaken. Still half asleep, usually with my eyes closed and without a clear plan or structure, I try to work out our positions in relation to one another and in relation to gravity.
The book contains 46 of those descriptions.
For order see: http://www.toinehorvers.nl/th/site/work/item/2918 or sent an email to toine@toinehorvers.nl