directions: multivocal speech performances 2024
rolling 1 vilnius 2024 horizons 2023 - 2024 directions-quartet 2023 Rotation 5 (tour) 2022 - Crossing - writing solo 2022 crossing - writing group 2022 rite 2022 2022 crossing brutus 2022 Wolkenbewegingen Wandelweiser 2022 wolkenbewegingen movements of clouds 2022 five artists interviews 2021 New Polyphonies (text) 2021 strandtrappen 2021 waterhoentjesfamilie (nY) 2020 book: bewegen - schrijven / moving - writing 2020 clouds-lines 2019 - 2020 book: bewegingen-movements Toine Horvers / Henk Geraedts 1990 - 1980 2019 crossing 2019 2019 Petrichor 3 / Jeroen Jongeleen 2019 portrait Ilse S. 2018 book: liggen / lying 2018 Copying Charlois 2018 reading hans stevens 2018 Double Spiral 3 2017 Rotation 2 2016 Rotation 3 for Tom Johnson 2016 Raag Suha 2016 Rotation 4 2016 DAY am/pm 2015 Rotation 1 2015 Language 2015 Arf Arf and friends 2015 Chartres, one voice 2014 real space/real time 2014 waves 2011 2013 - 2015 News of the world 2013 Chartres, one hour of sound in a Gothic Cathedral 2013 Mei, geluid van vogels.... 2013 words live 4 2013 one voice Prague 2012 2013 Beijerkoppen 2012 One Voice (S. Vriezen) 2012 cd box Tochnit Aleph, Berlin 2012 Magaio Unison 2012 Zeetijding De Pavilljoens 2012 rolling 7 Luchtsingel 2012 singelstemmen 2012 zangvogels (singing birds) 2012 magaio panorama 2011 = 2012 Copying as a ritual act 2011 Copying as a ritual act 2 2011 zeetijding Maassluis 2011 Vozes de Magaio 2011 Music & Film 2011 copying as a ritual act, publication 2011 Sound scape 2010 Bakkum Panorama 2010 Writing Lecture, performance 2010 Intimate Selfportrait performance 2 2010 Writing Lecture, publication 2010 Book Tor line Panorama 2010 Dordtselaanportretten Deventer 2009 Words Live 2 2009 Rite 3 2009 Nombres de Calles 2009 Words Live 3 2009 Book Names, sections of the Ear 2009 Tor Line Panorama 2009 Book Names: sections of the Head 2008 - 2009 Tim Etchells' selfportrait 2008 Tim Etchells` selfportrait, performance 2008 Doorzicht 2008 Names: Sections of the brain 2008 Dordtselaanportretten 2008 Words Live 1 2008 Panorama's 2007 Subway solo 2007 Light selfportraits live 2007 Lichtkrant (Light-journal) 2007 Eurasia Poznan 2007 Book Light selfportraits 2006 - 2007 Cross Fading Lights 2006 The Bible 2006 book: Inis Oírr panorama 2006 Book: Intimate selfportrait 2006 Kunstvlaai portraits 2006 2006 Waves 2006 kunstvlaaiportretten 2006 inhalation / exhalation 2006 Trajecten 2005 Intimate Self portrait 2005 Sub urban video lounge 2004 - 2014 sub urban video lounge 2004 - 2014 Subway 2004 Inis Oirr panorama 2004 Passers-by NY 2004 Scheepshoorn (ship's horn) 2004 hoi 2004 Names: head and neck 2004 Rubbings 2004 Passers-by: waves 2004 songs 2003 - Limestone 2003 Clouds live 2003 Inis Oírr Panorama in four directions 2003 Het Heiligdom (Sanctuary) 2003 Passers-by: clouds 2002 - 2003 Hart-slag (heart beat) 2002 Clouds (Finnegans wake) 2002 Data 2002 Lokaal 2002 Names, Orbit 2002 Names The Brain EMC 2001 Zeetijding (Ship's names) 2000 Names: Head and Neck, colour 2000 Puszcza Bialowieska 2000 Stream 6 (Calveen) 2000 Dag- Nacht (Day-Night) 2000 Ulice Warszawy (streets of Warsaw) 2000 Rivierenland 2000 Names: sections of the ear 2000 Names: Mournes - Monaghan 2000 Silence Gothique 1999 Paysage Sonore 1999 Sections of the Ear (anatomic library) 1999 Zeetijding, Performance 1999 IJsselstein Zenderpark (proposal) 1999 Names: Donegal north 1999 Passers-by: Dordtselaan 1999 Names, coronal and sagittal sections of torso 1998 Names, sections of the head 1998 Names: coronal of the body 1998 Names: orbit cor/sag 1998 Names, The brain axial sections 1998 Portraits 1998 Europa 1998 Portretten 1998 Names The head Geraedts 1997 Names, sections of the Head 1997 names: city maps 1997 Portrait 1997 Registraties 1996 Names: sections of the head 1996 Names: the world meridians 1996 De huid van de Witte Dame 1996 Clouds 9 Ermer 1995 Names: Crossing Australia 1995 Lecture7 1995 A passage way 1995 Stream 4 1995 Oíleain Arann 1995 Tivoli 1995 Stream 5 (Electro) 1995 rite 1994 - 2009 ringwave 5 1994 Stream 2 1994 Lecture 6 1994 Rite 2 study 1994 Sprong (Jump) 1994 Collection 1994 Rite 1 1994 Water levels: tidal areas 1990 1994 Water levels Rhein Deutschland 1989 1993-1994 water levels rivers and lakes 1993-1994 The weather in numbers 1993 - 1994 The bells of Voorne/Putten 1993 Europe 1993 Names: Tasmania 1993 Plan drawers 1993 Clouds 7 1992 Waves 5 1992 Clouds rolling 1990-1994 The weather in text 1990 -1992 Clouds 4 1990 Lezing 1 1990 Ring 1990 Clouds 5 1990 Lichtwolken / Clouds of Light 1990 Pauken (Kettle drums) 1990 Lichtconstructie 1990 Lezing 3 1990 Crossing voices 3 1990 Clouds 6 1990 Tide 1990 Lecture 4 1990 Clouds 8 1990 Stimmen 2 1989 Clouds Ermer 1989 Schrijven 2 / writing 2 1988 Linia Dzwieku 1988 wave 4 1988 dag 2 (beurs) - day 2 (beurs) 1988 Clouds 1 1988 Clouds 2 1988 Oktet 3 1988 Ringwave 4 1988 Vagues 1988 Crossing Voices 2 1988 Dziekanka 1988 drumming The Act NY 1988 Ringwave 2 1987 Ringwave 3 1987 Rolling 5 1987 Rolling 6 1987 Oktet, Welle für Kassel 1987 Durchschnitt/intersection 1987 Wielka 1987 schrijven 1 / writing 1 1987 Rolling 1 1986 Study for wave 1986 Twilight 1986 Stimmen 1986 Rolling 2 1986 Ringwave 1 1986 Waves 2 1986 Crossing Voices 1986 Etmaal voor Berlage 1985 balance 6 1985 meeting 1 1985 Wall 2 1985 Crossing 1984 Study for Crossing 1984 zog - wake 1984 balance 5 1984 Balance 4 1984 Balonnen: studie voor bewegingsstructuur 1984 grenzen - borders 1984 torens - towers 1983 tillen 2 - lifting 2 1983 tillen 3 - lifting 3 1983 tillen 1 - lifting 1 1983 balance 3 1983 markeren - marking 1983 dubbele spiraal 1 - double spiral 1 1983 spiraal 4 - spiral 4 1982 balance 2 1982 spiraal 3 - spiral 3 1982 progressie - progression 1982 wand - wall 1982 rolling 1982 blok 1 en 2 - block 1 and 2 1982 spiraal 2 - spiral 2 1981 maat/tijd - size/time 1981 hekwerk - fence 1981 brug - bridge 1981 overbruggen - bridging 1981 kantelen - toppling 1981 hoek 2 - corner 2 1981 springen - jumping 1981 Hangen 1981 Segmenten 1981 trap - stairs 1981 Be-tekening 1981 vormveranderingen/changes of shape 1980 - ongoing talud / slope 1980 balance 1 1980 kijkvorm 2 / view form 2 1980 spiraal 1 spiral 1 1980 hoek 1 - corner 1 1980 kubus / cube 1980 rond - hoekig / round - angular 1980 Sprongen / jumps 1980 Kijkvorm 1 / viewform 1 1979 Vertoningen 1979 Self portrait expose yourself 1970 day 1- etmaal 1 Words Live 1 Three performance nights about the spoken word in different art disciplines, composed by Toine Horvers, Samuel Vriezen and Dante Boon and Cora Schmeiser. A celebration of the oral tradition in the arts, in which the voices of poets, visual artists, musicians, choreographers, actors and storytellers meet. The plan for WORDS LIVE came from the observation that in Poetry International Festival Rotterdam poetry performances and visual arts are kept strictly apart, and that especially language performances from other art disciplines are absent. In the visual arts, theatre, music as well as dance examples of the use of oral/vocal language abound. Language in a more or less composed form: sound, rythm and composition of words and sentences used in an imaginative way. Here, besides conveying information, language refers to itself, particularly, as a spatial and temporal process, thus referring very strongly to oral poetry. Words Live is a follow-up of Words 2, a video compilation of performances by artists from various disciplines in Sub Urban Video Lounge, curated by Toine Horvers and screened during Poetry International Festival Rotterdam 2008. ( 29.11.2008 Words Live 1 Performance. Beth Anderson, Cora Schmeiser, Samuel Vriezen, Gabriëlle Barros Martins, Antoine Beuger, Els van Riel, Taylan Susam, Dante Boon, Joost Baars, Martijn Voorvelt, Toine horvers, Dylan Newcomb, Georges Aperghis, John Cage, Samuel Beckett, Sandra Johnston, Ton Pompert, Jonathan Burrows/Matteo Fargeon, Mariëlle Verdijk. Words Live is financially supported by Municipal Services for Arts and Culture, City of Rotterdam and Fund BKVB Amsterdam and St. Bevordering Volkskracht. Program Words Live 1 Beth Anderson: If I were a poet 1975 Cora Schmeiser. The early text works of NY composer Beth Anderson relate to both minimal music and poetry, in her own words: a kind of vocal-percussive music. Samuel vriezen: 10 lezers 2008 Jackson Mac Low Band, Cora Schmeiser, Antoine Beuger, Toine Horvers, Ton Pompert, Gabriëlle Barros Martins, Taylan Susam. The readers sit amongst the audience reading a book, and occasionally speaking words from it: composer and poet Samuel Vriezen is in the first place a conceptual artist. Gabriëlle Barros Martins: Woorden als woorden in de loop van de tijd 2007 The audience. Her performance is a strict registration of spoken words sounding in space by the voices of people from the audience. Antoine Beuger: Landscapes of absence 2001 Cora Schmeiser, Antoine Beuger, Taylan Susam, Koen Nutters, Nina Hitz Antoine, co-initiator and central figure of the composers-group Wandelweiser, works around the concept of music as a process of sound in time and space. 'Landscapes' is based on a Emily Dickinson poem and accompanied by a video work of Els van Riel. Toine Horvers: Scheepshoorn 2004 Jackson Mac Low Band, Toine Horvers and Cora Schmeiser. A ship's horn in the form of a choral piece, originally written for the 'MS. Noordereiland Scheepshoornkoor'. Georges Aperghis: Récitations pour voix seule 1977 - 1978 Cora Schmeiser Aperghis is a Greek composer exploring extreme dynamics in the sound of words. A breathtaking virtuoso performance by soprano Cora Schmeiser. Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion: Speaking dance 2004 fragment video registration by Hugo Gelendinning 2008 Two male dancers play a light-footed game with the sound of words in the space. John Cage: parts from Songbooks 1970 Cora Schmeiser A 90-parts music-theatre piece for voices, dependent on the choices of the performer. Samuel Beckett: last pages of Unnamebles 1953 Ton Pompert These pages, full of words and sentences, are as dense as the thoughts in someone's mind. Often without interpunction, they are not written for reading aloud, but it might be interesting to do anyway. Sandra Johnston: performance 2008 Sandra Johnston Her performances are centred around the notion of territory. Each work is site specific. Recently Sandra has been using speech in order to connect locations, memories and recent experiences. Dylan Newcomb: Talking about dancing as a language without words Dylans choreographies often show a kind of ritualistic character. In a lecture/dance performance he will show the relation between his movements and speech. Toine Horvers: Inis Oírr panorama in four directions 2003 Toine Horvers A description of a vertical panorama in four directions of the compass. Its reading has a certain rhythm because of the repetitions, thus becoming as it were a poem with four verses
cora performing Beth Anderson\'s \'If I were a poet\' Samuel Vriezen \'10 lezers\' Gabriëlle Barros Martins: \'Woorden als woorden....\' Antoine Beuger: \'Landscapes of absence\' Sandra Johnston:\'Performance\' Dylan Newcomb:\'Talking about dancing as...\' Toine Horvers:\'Inis Oírr Panorama\' |